Sunday, November 22, 2009

Germany and Beyond

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener

   The last few months have found me a bit under the weather- most likely due to the damp weather in Germany.  I have been out and about mainly in the Bavarian Region.  In October, I attended a dental conference sponsored by the Army in Garmisch, Germany.  The Edelweiss Hotel played host to the conference.  It is nestled in the German Alps
I had five days of interesting CE (continuing education) and commraderie with both Militray dentists from throughout the US and NATO and fellow civilan contractors.
   I also visited Rothenburg, Germany.  This is a walled city about an hours drive from Schweinfurt.  It dates from approximately 900 AD.  It was lucky to have avoided heavy bomb damage during WWII.  The clinic Christmas party will be held here, so I'll be able to purchase a few more gifts for the family.  Of note, is the shop Anneliese Friese, which has a huge selection of cukoo clocks- just what we need for the beach house in Panama!!!

   Of note lately, is the number of birthdays and celebrations at the dental clinic.  We have been going to various restaurants in the Schweinfurt area.  The mix has been quite eclectic from traditional German fare to Vietnamese, Italian, and Indian.  I have ventured from my gastronomical comfort zone and am trying new and quite delicious dishes.  May the celebrations continue.